Available Publications
Total number of publications : 122
Refereed DEEP Publications involving UCSC Team Members
- 57.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Survey. I. The Sample
Nicole P. Vogt, David C. Koo, Andrew C. Phillips, Katherine Wu,
S. M. Faber, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Luc Simard,
Benjamin J. Weiner, Garth D. Illingworth, Karl Gebhardt,
Caryl Gronwall, Rafael Guzman, Myungshin Im, Vicki Sarajedini,
Edward J. Groth, Jason Rhodes, Robert Brunner, Andrew Connolly,
Alex Szalay, Richard Kron, Roger Blandford
[ astro-ph/0503376
High-quality version
- 56.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Galaxy Redshift Survey. VIII. The Evolution of Luminous Field Bulges at Redshift z ~ 1
David C. Koo, Luc Simard Christopher N.A. Willmer, Karl Gebhardt,
Rychard J. Bouwens, Guinevere Kauffmann, Timothy Crosby, S. M. Faber,
Vicki L. Sarajedini, Nicole P. Vogt, Benjamin J. Weiner,
A. C. Phillips, Myungshin Im, K. L. Wu
Astrophysical Journal Supplements, accepted
[ PDF version
- 55.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Galaxy Redshift Survey. III. Redshift Catalog and
Properties of Galaxies
Benjamin J. Weiner, Andrew C. Phillips, S.M. Faber, Christopher N.A.
Willmer, Nicole P. Vogt, Luc Simard, Karl Gebhardt, Myungshin Im, D.C. Koo,
Vicki L. Sarajedini, Katherine L. Wu, Duncan A. Forbes, Caryl Gronwall,
Edward J. Groth, G.D. Illingworth, R.G. Kron, Jason Rhodes, A.S. Szalay, M.
Astrophysical Journal, accepted
[ astro-ph/0411128
- 54.
- The Deep2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Evolution of Close Galaxy Pairs and
Major-Merger Rates Up to z ~ 1.2
Lihwai Lin, David C. Koo, Christopher N. A. Willmer,
David R. Patton, Christopher J. Conselice, Renbin Yan, Alison L.
Coil, Michael C. Cooper, Marc Davis, S. M. Faber, Brian F.
Gerke, Puragra Guhathakurta, Jeffrey A. Newman
Astrophysical Journal, accepted
[ astro-ph/0411104
- 53.
- The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: First results on galaxy groups
Brian F. Gerke, Jeffrey A. Newman, Marc Davis, Christian Marinoni,
Renbin Yan, Alison Coil, Charlie Conroy, Michael C. Cooper,
S. M. Faber, Douglas P. Finkbeiner, Puragra Guhathakurta,
Nick Kaiser, David C. Koo, Andrew C. Phillips, Benjamin J. Weiner,
Christopher N. A. Willmer
Astrophysical Journal, submitted
[ astro-ph/0410721
- 52.
- The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Probing the Evolution of Dark Matter Halos around Isolated Galaxies at z~1
Charlie Conroy, Jeffrey A. Newman, Marc Davis, Alison L. Coil,
Renbin Yan, Michael C. Cooper, Brian F. Gerke, S.M. Faber,
David C. Koo
Astrophysical Journal, submitted
[ astro-ph/0409305
- 51.
- Evolution and Color-Dependence of the Galaxy Angular Correlation Function: 350,000 Galaxies in 5 Square Degrees
Alison L. Coil, Jeffrey A. Newman, Nick Kaiser, Marc Davis, Chung-Pei Ma, Dale D. Kocevski, David C. Koo
Astrophysical Journal, accepted
[ astro-ph/0403423
- 50.
- Keck Adaptive Optics Imaging of 0.5 < z <1 Field Galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope Archive
Eric Steinbring, A. J. Metevier, Stuart A. Norton, L. M. Raschk,
D. C. Koo, S. M. Faber, C. N. A Willmer, J. E. Larkin, T. M. Glassman
Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 2004, 155, 15
[ Abstract -
Full Refereed Journal Article (PDF)
- 49.
- The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Clustering of Galaxies in Early Data
Alison L. Coil, Marc Davis, Darren S. Madgwick, Jeffrey A. Newman, Christopher J. Conselice, Michael Cooper, Richard S. Ellis, S. M.
Faber, Douglas P. Finkbeiner, Puragra Guhathakurta, Nick Kaiser, David C. Koo, Andrew C. Phillips, Charles C. Steidel, Benjamin J. Weiner,
Christopher N. A. Willmer, Renbin Yan
Astrophysical Journal, 2004, 609, 525
[ Abstract -
Full Refereed Journal Article (PDF)
- 48 .
- The Team Keck Treasury Redshift Survey of the GOODS-North Field
Gregory D. Wirth, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Paola Amico,
Frederic H. Chaffee, Robert W. Goodrich, Shui Kwok,
James E. Lyke, Jeff A. Mader, Hien D. Tran, Amy J. Barger,
Lennox L. Cowie, Peter Capak, Alison L. Coil, Michael C. Cooper,
Al Conrad, Marc Davis, S. M. Faber, Esther M. Hu, David C. Koo,
David Le Mignant, Jeffrey A. Newman, Antoinette Songaila
Astronomical Journal, 2004, 127, 3121
[ Abstract -
Full Refereed Journal Article (PDF)
- 47.
- The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Spectral Classification of Galaxies at z~1
Darren S. Madgwick, Alison L. Coil, Christopher J. Conselice,
Michael C. Cooper, Marc Davis, Richard S. Ellis, S. M. Faber,
Douglas P. Finkbeiner, Brian Gerke, Puragra Guhathakurta,
Nick Kaiser, David C. Koo, Jeffrey A. Newman, Andrew C. Phillips,
Charles C. Steidel, Benjamin J. Weiner, Christopher N. A. WIllmer,
R. Yan
Astrophysical Journal, 2003, 599, 997
[ Abstract -
Full Paper
- 46.
- Obtaining Global Galaxy Metallicities Using Emission Line EWs
Chip Kobulnicky, Andrew Phillips
Astrophysical Journal, 2003, 599, 1031
[ Abstract
Full Refereed Journal Article (PDF)
- 45.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Survey VII: The Metallicity of Field Galaxies
at 0.26 <z <0.82 and the Evolution of the Luminosity-Metallicity
Henry A. Kobulnicky, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Benjamin J. Weiner,
David C. Koo, Andrew C. Phillips, S. M. Faber, Vicki L. Sarajedini,
Luc Simard, Nicole P. Vogt.
Astrophysical Journal, 2003, 599, 1006
[ Abstract -
Full Refereed Journal Article (PDF) -
- 44.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Survey IX: Evolution of the Fundamental Plane ofField Galaxies
Karl Gebhardt, S.M. Faber, David C. Koo, Myungshin Im, Luc Simard,
Garth D. Illingworth, Andrew C. Phillips, Vicki L. Sarajedini,
Nicole P. Vogt, Benjamin Weiner, Christopher N. A. Willmer
Astrophysical Journal, 2002, 597, 293.
[ Abstract
Full Refereed Journal Article (PDF)
- 43.
- Population Synthesis in the Blue. II. The Spectroscopic Age of 47 Tucanae
R. P. Schiavon, S. M. Faber, J. A. Rose, B. V. Castilho
Astrophysical Journal, 2002, 580, 873
[ Abstract -
Full paper
- 42.
- Population Synthesis in the Blue. I. Synthesis of the
Integrated Spectrum of 47 Tucanae from Its Color-Magnitude Diagram
R. P. Schiavon, S. M. Faber, B. V. Castilho, J. A. Rose
Astrophysical Journal, 2002, 580, 850
[ Abstract -
Full paper ]
- 41.
- A Multiwavelength Approach to the SFR Estimation in Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts
N. Cardiel, D. Elbaz, R. P. Schiavon, C. N. A. Willmer, D. C. Koo, A. C. Phillips, J. Gallego
Astrophysical Journal, 2003, 584,76
[ Abstract -
Full paper -
astro-ph/0210344 ]
- 40.
- The Morphology of nine Radio-selected Faint Galaxies from
deep HST Imaging
Nathan Roche, James Lowenthal, David Koo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2002, 337, 840
[ Abstract -
Full Paper -
astro-ph/0208201 ]
- 39.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Survey II. Hubble Space Telescope Structural
Parameters of Galaxies in the Groth Strip
Luc Simard, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Nicole P. Vogt, Vicki L.
Sarajedini, Andrew C. Phillips, Benjamin J. Weiner,
David C. Koo, Myungshin Im, Garth D.
Illingworth, S. M. Faber
Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 2002, 142, 1.
Note: Tables 2 and 3 will become available upon publication
of the redshift catalogue (Phillips et al. in preparation).
The observed quantities are available through the
interactive database site.
[ Abstract -
Full Paper -
Table 2 -
Table 3 -
Table 4 -
Table 5 ]
- 38.
- Keck Spectroscopy and Imaging of Faint Galaxies Identified as
MicroJansky Radio Sources
N. Roche, J. Lowenthal, D. Koo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2002, 330, 307.
[ Abstract -
Full Paper -
- 37.
- Optical-NIR Color Gradients in Early Type Galaxies at z < 1.0
S. Hinkley, M. Im
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2001, 560, L41.
[ Abstract -
Full Paper -
astroph/0109532 ]
- 36.
- Are There Blue, Massive E/S0s at z<1 ?: Kinematics of Blue
Spheroidal Galaxy Candidates
Myungshin Im, S. M. Faber, K. Gebhardt, David C. Koo,
Andrew C. Phillips, Ricardo P. Schiavon, Luc Simard, and
Christopher N. A. Willmer
Astronomical Journal, 2001, 122, 750.
[ Abstract -
Full Paper -
astroph/0105389 ]
- 35.
- The DEEP Groth Strip Survey X: Number Density and Luminosity
Function of Field E/S0 Galaxies at z<1
Myungshin Im, L. Simard, S. M. Faber, D. C. Koo, K. Gebhardt,
C. N. A. Willmer, A. Phillips, G. Illingworth, N. P. Vogt, and
V. L. Sarajedini
Astrophysical Journal, 571, 136.
[ Abstract -
Full Paper -
PS version ]
- 34.
- Evolution in the Balmer Line Strengths in E/S0 galaxies from from z=0
to z=0.83:
Constraints on the Stellar Populations, Formation Epoch, and
Cosmological Parameters.
D. D. Kelson, G. D. Illingworth, M. Franx, & P. G. van Dokkum
Astrophysical Journal, 2001, 552, L17
[ Abstract -
Full paper
- 33.
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Two Galaxies at z = 2.3 and z = 2.9:
New Probes of Chemical and Dynamical Evolution at High Redshift
Henry A. Kobulnicky and David Koo
Astrophysical Journal, 2000, 545, 979.
[ Abstract -
Full paper -
- 32.
- The Stellar Population Histories of Local Early-Type Galaxies II:
Controlling Parameters of the Stellar Population.
S. C. Trager, S. M., Faber, G. Worthey, G. & J. J. Gonzalez.
Astronomical Journal, 2000, 120, 165
[ Abstract -
Full paper -
astro-ph/0004095 ]
- 31.
- HST Photometry and Keck Spectroscopy of the Rich Cluster MS1054-03:
Morphologies, Butcher-Oemler Effect, and the Color-Magnitude Relation
at z=0.83
Pieter G. van Dokkum, Marijn Franx, Daniel Fabricant,
Garth D. Illingworth, & Daniel D. Kelson
Astrophysical Journal, 2000, 541, 95.
[ Abstract -
Full paper -
astro-ph/0002507 -
- 30.
- The Stellar Population Histories of Local Early-Type Galaxies I:
Population Parameters
S. C. Trager, S. M., Faber, J. J. Gonzalez, & G. Worthey
Astronomical Journal, 2000, 119, 1645.
Abstract -
Full paper -
astro-ph/0001072 ]
- 29.
- Obtaining Galaxy Masses Using Stellar Absorption and [O II]
Emission-Line Diagnostics in Late-Type Galaxies
H. A. Kobulnicky and K. Gebhardt
Astronomical Journal, 2000, 119, 1608
Abstract -
Full paper
- 28.
- The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters III: M/Lv
Ratios in the z=0.33 Cluster CL1358+62
Daniel D. Kelson, Garth D. Illingworth, Pieter G. van Dokkum and
Marijn Franx
Astrophysical Journal, 2000, 531, 184
Abstract -
Full paper -
astro-ph/9906152 ]
- 27.
- The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters II:
Internal Kinematics of 55 Galaxies in the z=0.33 Cluster CL1358+62
Daniel D. Kelson, Garth D. Illingworth, Pieter G. van Dokkum and
Marijn Franx
Astrophysical Journal, 2000, 531, 159
Abstract -
Full paper -
- 26.
- The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters I:
Surface Photometry and Structural Parameters for 53 Galaxies in
the z=0.33 Cluster CL1358+62.
Daniel D. Kelson, Garth D. Illingworth, Pieter G. van Dokkum,
& Marijn Franx
Astrophysical Journal, 2000, 531, 137
[ Abstract -
Full paper -
- 25.
- A High Merger Fraction in the Rich Cluster MS1054-03 at z=0.83:
Direct Evidence for Hierarchical Formation of Massive Galaxies
Pieter G. van Dokkum, Marijn Franx, Daniel Fabricant, Daniel D. Kelson,
Garth D. Illingworth
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1999, 520. L95.
Abstract -
Full paper -
- 24.
- The Nature of High- Redshift Galaxies
Rachel S. Sommerville, Joel R. Primack, and S. M. Faber
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2001, 320, 504
astro-ph/0006364 ]
- 23.
- The Velocity Dispersion of MS1054-03 : A Massive Galaxy Cluster at
High Redshift
Kim-Vy H. Tran, Daniel D. Kelson, Pieter van Dokkum, Marijn Franx,
Garth D. Illingworth, and Daniel Magee
Astrophysical Journal, 1999, 522, 39.
Abstract -
Full Paper -
astro-ph/9902349 ]
- 22.
- The Magnitude-Size Relation of Galaxies out to z ~ 1
Luc Simard, David C. Koo, S. M. Faber, Vicki L. Sarajedini, Nicole P. Vogt, Andrew C. Phillips, Karl Gebhardt, Garth D. Illingworth, & K. L.
Astrophysical Journal, 1999, 519, 563
Abstract - Full Paper - Figures - astro-ph/9902147 ]
- 21.
- Quantitative Morphology of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
F. Marleau & L. Simard
Astrophysical Journal, 1998, 507, 585
Abstract -
Full Paper ]
- 20.
- The Nature of High-Redshift Galaxies
Joel R. Primack, Rachel S. Somerville, S. M. Faber, and Risa Wechsler
Physics Reports, 1998, 307, 15
[ astro-ph/9806263 ]
- 19.
- The Starcounts in the Flanking Fields of the HDF:
The Faint End of the Disc Stellar Luminosity Function and
its Scale Height
R. A. Mendez & R. Guzman
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998, 333, 106
[ Abstract - Full Paper
- Tables
- 18.
- Luminosity Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies to z = 0.83:
Constraints on Formation Epoch and Omega
Pieter G. van Dokkum, Marijn Franx, Daniel D. Kelson, and Garth D.
Astrophysical Journal, 1998, 504, L17
[ Abstract -
Full Paper ]
- 17.
- The Color-Magnitude Relation in CL 1358+62 at z=0.33:
Evidence for Significant Evolution in the S0 Population
Pieter G. van Dokkum, Marijn Franx, Daniel D. Kelson, Garth D.
Illingworth, David Fisher and Daniel Fabricant
Astrophysical Journal, 1998, 500, 714
Abstract -
Full Paper ]
- 16.
- Old Stellar Populations VI. Absorption-line Spectra of
Galaxy nuclei and Globular Clusters.
Scott C. Trager, Guy Worthey, S. M. Faber, D. Burstein, & J. J.
Astronomical Journal 1998, 116, 1
Abstract -
Full Paper ]
- 15.
- Optical Structure and Colors of Faint Compact Narrow
Emission-Line Galaxies
Rafael Guzmán, Anna Jangren, David C. Koo, Matthew A. Bershady
& Luc Simard
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1998, 495, L13
abstract -
Full Paper
- 14.
- The Nature of Compact Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field - II:
Spectroscopic Properties and Implications for the Evolution of the Star
Formation Rate Density of the Universe.
Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego, David C. Koo,
Andrew C. Phillips, James D. Lowenthal, S. M. Faber,
Garth D. Illingworth, & Nicole P. Vogt
Astrophysical Journal, 1997, 489, 559
abstract -
Full Paper
- 13.
- The Nature of Compact Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field - I:
Global Properties.
Andrew C. Phillips, Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego,
David C. Koo, James D. Lowenthal, Nicole P. Vogt,
S. M. Faber & Garth D. Illingworth
Astrophysical Journal, 1997, 489, 543
abstract -
Full Paper
- Tables
- 12.
- A Pair of Lensed Galaxies at z = 4.92 in the Field of CL1358+62
M. Franx, G. D. Illingworth, Kelson, D. D., Dokkum, P. G. & K.-V. Tran
Astrophysical Journal, 1997, 486, 75.
[ Abstract - Full Paper ]
- 11.
- Global Relationships among the Physical Properties of
Stellar Systems.
D. Burstein, R. Bender, S. M. Faber, & R. Nolthenius.
Astronomical Journal, 1997, 114, 1365.
Full Paper
- 10.
- Galaxies at z ~ 4 and the Formation of Population II
S. C. Trager, S. M. Faber, A. Dressler, & A. Oemler
Astrophysical Journal, 1997, 485, 92
[ Abstract - Full Paper ]
- 9.
- Keck Spectroscopy of Redshift z ~ 3 Galaxies in the
Hubble Deep Field
James D. Lowenthal, David C. Koo, Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego,
Andrew C. Phillips, Nicole P. Vogt, S. M. Faber, Garth D. Illingworth, &
Caryl Gronwall
Astrophysical Journal, 1997, 481, 673
abstract -
Full Paper -
- 8.
- Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies:
Sub-L* Systems
Nicole P. Vogt, Andrew C. Phillips, S. M. Faber, Jesús Gallego,
Caryl Gronwall, Rafael Guzmán, Garth D. Illingworth, David C. Koo,
& James D. Lowenthal
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1997, 479, L121
Abstract -
Full Paper
- Figures ]
- 7.
- On the Nature of the Strong Emission Line Galaxies in
Cluster Cl 0024+1654:
Are Some the Progenitors of Low Mass Spheroidals?
David C. Koo, Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego, and Greg Wirth
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1997, 478, L49
abstract -
Full Paper -
- 6.
- Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters: The Fundamental
Plane from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Keck Spectroscopy
D. D. Kelson, P. G. van Dokkum, M. Franx, G. D. Illingworth and
D. Fabricant
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1997, 478, L13
[ Abstract - Full Paper ]
- 5.
- Redshift z ~ 1 Field Galaxies Observed with the Keck Telescope
and the HST
David C. Koo, Nicole P. Vogt, Andrew C. Phillips, Rafael
Guzmán, K. L. Wu, S. M. Faber, Caryl Gronwall,
Duncan A. Forbes, Garth D. Illingworth, Edward J. Groth,
Marc Davis, Richard G. Kron, & Alexander S. Szalay
Astrophysical Journal, 1996, 469, 535
abstract -
Full Paper - Figures -
Table 1
- 4.
- Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies:
Keck Results at Redshifts to z ~ 1
Nicole P. Vogt, Duncan A. Forbes, Andrew C. Phillips,
Caryl Gronwall, S. M. Faber, Garth D. Illingworth, &
David C. Koo
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1996, 465, L15
abstract -
Full Paper -
- 3.
- Keck Spectroscopy and HST Imaging of Field Galaxies at
Moderate Redshift
Duncan A. Forbes, Andrew C. Phillips, David C. Koo, &
Garth D. Illingworth
Astrophysical Journal, 1996, 462, 89
abstract -
Full Paper
- 2.
- On the Nature of the Faint Compact Narrow Emission-Line
Galaxies: The Half-Light Radius-Velocity Width Diagram
Rafael Guzmán, David C. Koo, S. M. Faber, Garth D. Illingworth,
Marianne Takamiya, Richard G. Kron, & Matthew A. Bershady
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1996, 460, L5
abstract -
Full Paper
- 1.
- High-Resolution Spectra of Distant Compact Narrow
Emission Line Galaxies: Progenitors of Spheroidal
David C. Koo, Rafael Guzmán, S. M. Faber, Garth D. Illingworth,
Matthew A. Bershady, Richard G. Kron, & Marianne Takamiya
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1995, 440, L49
abstract -
Full Paper
Refereed DEEP Publications by Participants outside UCSC
- 7.
- Measuring the Cosmic Equation of State with Galaxy Clusters in
the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Jeffrey A. Newman, Christian Marinoni, Alison L. Coil, and Marc Davis
approved for publication in PASP
- 6.
- Measuring the Cosmic Equation of State with Counts of Galaxies II: Error
Budget for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Jeffrey A. Newman and Marc Davis
Astrophysical Journal, accepted
- 5.
- Galaxy Correlation Statistics of Mock Catalogs for the DEEP2 Survey.
Alison L. Coil, Marc Davis & Istvan Szapudi
PASP, accepted
- 4.
- Measuring the Cosmic Equation of State with Counts of
Jeffrey A. Newman & Marc Davis
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2000, 534, L11
[ Abstract -
Full paper -
- 3.
- A Decline in the Number of Galaxies: Deep Optical Multiband
Galaxy Counts
R. J. Brunner, A. J. Connolly, M. U. Subbarao & A. S. Szalay
Astrophysical Journal, 1997, submitted
[ abstract - PS file]
- 2.
- The Evolution of the Global Star Formation History as Measured
from the Hubble Deep Field
A. J. Connolly, A. S. Szalay, M. E. Dickinson, R. J. Brunner
& M. U. Subbarao
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1997, 486, L11
[ abstract -
Full paper ]
- 1.
- Towards More Precise Photometric Redshifts: Calibration via
CCD Photometry
R. J. Brunner, A. J. Connolly, A. S. Szalay & M. A. Bershady
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1997, 482, L21
[ abstract -
Full Paper ]
Conference Proceedings and other Publications
- 58.
- Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies in the Ultra Deep Field: Do they have
Extended Disks ?
K. G. Noeskem, D. C. Koo, P. Papaderos,
C. N. A. Willmer, A. Gil de Paz, A. C. Phillips, J. Melbourne and the
PS file
- 57.
- DEEP: A New major Redshift Survey of Distant Galaxies
Koo, D. C. & DEEP Team 2004
Frontier in Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
PDF file -
PS file
- 56.
- First Science Results from the DEIMOS/DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Koo, D. C. & DEEP Team 2004
ASP Conference Series, in press (eds. M. Colless & L. Staveley-Smith) 10p
PDF file
- 55.
- Science Objectives and Early Results of the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Marc Davis, Sandra M. Faber, Jeffrey A. Newman, Andrew C. Phillips,
R.S. Ellis, C.C. Steidel, C. Conselice, A. L. Coil, D. P.Finkbeiner,
D. C. Koo, P. Guhathakurta, B. Weiner, R. Schiavon, C Willmer,
N. Kaiser, G. Luppino, G. Wirth, A. Connolly, P. Eisenhardt,
M. Cooper, B. Gerke
SPIE Kona meeting on Astronomical Instrumentation
- 54.
- The DEIMOS spectrograph for the Keck II telescope: integration and testing
S. M. Faber, A. C. Phillips, R. I. Kibrick, B. Alcott, S. L. Allen,
J. Burrous, T. Cantrall, D. A. Clarke, A. L. Coil, D. J. Cowley, M. Davis,
W. T. S. Deich, K. Dietsch, D. K. Gilmore, C. A. Harper, D. F. Hilyard,
J. P. Lewis, M. M. McVeigh, J. Newman, J. Osborne, R. P. Schiavon,
R. J. Stover, D. Tucker, V. Wallace, M. Z. Wei, G. D. Wirth, C. A. Wright
SPIE Kona meeting on Astronomical Instrumentation
PS file -
Powerpoint presentation -
- 53.
- DEEP: New Surveys of Distant Field Galaxies
David C. Koo
To appear in Galaxy Evolution: Theory and Observations,
V. Avila-Reese, C. Firmani, C. Frenk, & C. Allen
(Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica)
PS file
- 52.
- Kinematics of Distant Galaxies
David C. Koo
To appear in The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift,
eds. R. Bender and A. Renzini (ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer-Verlag)
- 51.
- Spectroscopic and Variability Surveys for AGN in the Groth Survey Strip
Vicki Sarajedini
To appear in IAU Colloq. 184, "AGN Surveys"
- 50.
- Spectral Reduction Software for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Christian Marinoni, Marc Davis, Alison L. Coil, Douglas Finkbeiner
To appear in the proceedings of the Marseille 2001 conference "Where
is the Matter? Tracing Dark and Bright Matter with the New Generation of
Large-Scale Surveys"
- 49.
- 3D Identification and Reconstruction of z~1 Clusters: Prospects for the
DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Christian Marinoni, Marc Davis, Jeffrey A. Newman, Alison L. Coil
Contribution to "Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters"
(Sesto 2001), ASP Conference Series
- 48.
- Mining the Sky with Redshift Surveys
Marc Davis, Jeffrey Newman
in proceedings of ESO Workshop on
"Mining the Sky" held at Garching, Germany in August 2000
- 47.
- The Formation Timescales of Giant Spheroids
S. C. Trager , S. M. Faber, A. Dressler
in proceedings of "Astrophysical Ages and Timescales"
eds T. von Hippel, N. Manset & C. Simpson
- 46.
- The DEEP2 Redshift Survey
Marc Davis, Jeffrey Newman, Sandra Faber, Andrew Phillips
in proceedings of ESO/ST-ECF/STScI Workshop on
"Deep Fields" held at Garching, Germany in Oct 2000
- 45.
- DEEP: Pre-DEIMOS Surveys to I $\sim$ 24 of Galaxy Evolution and
David C. Koo
in proceedings of ESO/ST-ECF/STScI Workshop on
"Deep Fields" held at Garching, Germany in Oct 2000
PS Version
- 44.
- The Evolution of Disk Structural Parameters to z ~1
S. M. Faber, A. C. Phillips, L. Simard, N. P. Vogt and
Rachel S. Somerville
2000, in "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", eds. J. G. Funes and
E. M. Corsini. ASP Conference Series, in press.
PS Version
- 43.
- A High-Fraction of Mergers in the cluster MS1054-03 at z =0.83
M. Franx, P. G. van Dokkum, D. G. Fabricant, D. Kelson, and G. D. Illingworth
2000, in "Clustering at High Redshift", eds. A. Mazure and O. Le Fevre,
ASP Conference Series, in press.
- 42.
- Surveying High Z Galaxies with HST and Keck
G. D. Illingworth
1999, in "Looking Deep in the Southern Sky",
Proceedings of the ESO/Australia Workshop, eds. R. Morganti and
W. J. Couch, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), p.250
- 41.
- A Quantitative Study of Peculiarities in Galaxy Morphology
Katherine L. Wu
1999, Ph. D. Thesis, U. C. Santa Cruz.
[ PS version
- 40.
- Luminous Red Mergers in the z=0.83 Cluster MS1054-03: Direct Evidence
for Hierarchical Formation of Massive Early-type Galaxies
P. G. van Dokkum, M. Franx, D. Fabricant, D. D. Kelson,
& G. D. Illingworth
1999, "Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present",
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris, ASP Conference Series,
197, p. 393.
[ PS version
- 39.
- Passive Evolution, or the Evolution of the M/L Ratio of Early-type Galaxies to z=0.83
M. Franx, P. G. van Dokkum, D. D. Kelson, & G. D. Illingworth
1999, "Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present",
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris, ASP Conference Series,
197, p. 231.
- 38.
- The evolution and kinematics of spiral galaxies out to redshift z = 1
Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present
Nicole P. Vogt
1999, "Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present",
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris, ASP Conference Series,
197, p. 63
PS file
- 37.
- Testing Hierarchical Galaxy Evolution Models with the Luminosity-Size
Relation of Distant Field Galaxies
L. Simard, & R. S. Somerville
1999, "Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present",
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon and V. Charmandaris, ASP Conference Series,
197,p. 61
[ PS file]
- 36.
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3: Giants or Dwarfs ?
James D. Lowenthal, L. Simard, & D. Koo
1999, "After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies were Young (the Universe
at 2 < z < 5), eds. S. Holt & E. P. Smith, Am. Inst. Physics, 143.
[ PS file ]
- 35.
- Evolution of spheroidal galaxies at z < 1 from the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP)
Myungshin Im
1999, "The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
at High Redshift",eds. A. J. Bunker and W. J. M. van Breugel,
ASP Conference Series 193, 1999, p. 33
PS file
- 34.
- The evolution and kinematics of spiral galaxies out to redshift z = 1
Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present
Nicole P. Vogt
1999, "The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
at High Redshift",eds. A. J. Bunker and W. J. M. van Breugel,
ASP Conference Series 193, 1999, p. 145
PS file
- 33.
- The Evolution of Stellar Populations in Intermediate Redshift
Daniel D. Kelson, Garth D. Illingworth, Marijn Franx,
Pieter G. van Dokkum
1999, "The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
at High Redshift", eds. A. J. Bunker and W. J. M. van Breugel,
ASP Conference Series, 193, p.
[ astro-ph/9909110]
- 32.
- A Restframe Comparison of Morphological Peculiarities in the Hubble Deep Field - North
K. L. Wu
1999, "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R.
Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M.Sawicki & R. Brunner, ASP Conference
Series, 191, p. 332.
[ PS file ]
- 31.
- Photometric Redshifts and the Luminosity-Size Relation of
Galaxies out to z= 1.1
Luc Simard
1999, "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R.
Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M.Sawicki & R. Brunner, ASP Conference
Series, 191, p.325
[ PS file ]
- 30.
- Photometric Redshifts: A Perspective from an Old-Timer on Its Past,
Present, and Potential
D. C. Koo
1999, "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R.
Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M.Sawicki & R. Brunner, ASP Conference
Series, 191, p. 3
[ PS file ]
- 29.
- Dynamics of Distant Normal Galaxies
David C. Koo
1999, XIX Moriond Meeting on "Building Galaxies: from the
Primordial Universe to the Present",
eds. F. Hammer, T. X. Thuan, V. Cayatte, B. Guiderdoni, J. Tran Thanh Van
(Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Frontieres), in press.
[ PS file ]
- 28.
- The DEIMOS Spectrograph and a Planned DEEP Redshift Survey
on the Keck-II Telescope
Marc Davis & S. M. Faber
1999, 14th IAP Colloquium "Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology", eds.
S. Colombi, Y. Mellier and B. Raban (Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions
Frontieres), 333.
[ PS file ]
- 27.
- Pre-DEIMOS Pilot Surveys for DEEP
David C. Koo
1999, 14th IAP Colloquium "Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology", eds.
S. Colombi, Y. Mellier and B. Raban (Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions
Frontieres), 161.
[PS file - astro-ph/9809217 ]
- 26.
- Interpreting High-Redshift Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
R. S. Somerville, J. R. Primack, and S. M. Faber
1998, in "The Evolving Universe", ed. A. Hamilton, (Dordrecht: Kluwer),
p. 333
- 25.
- Blue Compact Dwarfs at Z=0.2-1.3
R. Guzmán
1998, in Proceedings of the Third Scientific Meeting of the
Sociedad Española de Astronomia, eds. J. Gorgas and
J. Zamorano, Astrophys. & Sp. Sci. 263, p. 127
- 24.
- Blue Compact Dwarfs at z < 1: Implications for Galaxy
Evolution and the Star Formation History of the Universe
R. Guzmán & David C. Koo
1998, "XXXIIIrd Rencontres de Moriond:Dwarf Galaxies and Cosmology",
eds. T. X. Thuan, C. Balkowski & T. T. J. Van (Gif-sur-Yvette:
Editions Frontieres), in press
[PS file ]
- 23.
- The DEEP Project
David C. Koo
1998, in "Highlights of Astronomy", vol. 11A,
Proceedings of IAU 23 Joint Discussion 11:
"Redshift Surveys in the 21st Century",
ed. J. Andersen, (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 468.
[PS file ]
- 22.
- Compact Galaxies at z ~ 0.2 - 1.3:
Implications for Galaxy Evolution and the Star Formation
History of the Universe
Rafael Guzmán, Andrew C. Phillips, Jesús Gallego
& David C. Koo
1998, in "Highlights of Astronomy", vol. 11A,
Proceedings of IAU 23, Joint Discussion 14: "Dwarf Galaxies:
Probes for Galaxy Formation and Evolution",
ed. J. Andersen (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 147
[ Text File]
- 21.
- Distant Compact Narrow Emission Line Galaxies as
Progenitors of Today's Spheroidal Galaxies
David C. Koo and Rafael Guzmán
1998, in "Highlights of Astronomy", vol 11A,
Proceedings of IAU 23, Joint Discussion 14: " Dwarf Galaxies:
Probes for Galaxy Formation and Evolution",
ed. J. Andersen (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 145
[PS file ]
- 20.
- The Fundamental Plane of Early-type Galaxies in the
Intermediate Redshift Cluster CL1358+62
Daniel D. Kelson
1998 ,Ph. D. Thesis, U. C. Santa Cruz.
- 19.
- Measuring the Evolution of the Mass-To-Light Ratio from z = 0 to z = 0.6 from the Fundamental Plane
M. Franx, P. van Dokkum, D. Kelson, G. Illingworth, and D. Fabricant
in 1999, "Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift"
Proceedings of IAU Symposium 186, eds. J. E. Barnes, and
D. B. Sanders, (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 447.
- 18.
- The High Redshift Population of Field Galaxies
David C. Koo
1999, in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 186: "Galaxy Interactions at Low and
High Redshift",
ed. J. E. Barnes and D. B. Sanders (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 423
[PS file ]
- 17.
- GIM2D: An IRAF Package for the Quantitative
Morphology Analysis of Distant Galaxies
Luc Simard
1998, in Proceedings of "Astronomical Data Analysis Software and
Systems Conference VII"
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, eds. R. Albrecht,
R.N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse (San Francisco: ASP), p. 108.
- 16.
- The Epoch of Disk Formation: Observational Constraints
on High Redshift Disk Galaxies
Nicole P. Vogt
1998, in Proceedings of "The Young Universe: Galaxy formation and
Evolution at Intermediate and High Redshift", ASP Conference
Series, Vol. 146, eds S. D'Odorico, A. Fontana, and E. Giallongo
(San Francisco: ASP), p. 229
[PS file ]
- 15.
- Kinematics of Galaxies at z ~ 3 in the Hubble Deep Field
J. D. Lowenthal, L. Simard & D. C. Koo
1998, in Proceedings of "The Young Universe: Galaxy formation and
Evolution at Intermediate and High Redshift", ASP Conference
Series, Vol. 146, eds S. D'Odorico, A. Fontana, and E. Giallongo
(San Francisco: ASP), p. 110.
[ PS file -
Figures ]
- 14.
- The Stellar Population Histories of Elliptical Galaxies
Scott C. Trager
1997,Ph. D. Thesis, U. C. Santa Cruz.
- 13.
- Probing the Evolving Universe
Andrew Phillips & Nicole Vogt
1997, Beam Line, vol. 27, Number 3, p.29
- 12.
- Kinematics of Distant Galaxies
G. D. Illingworth
1998, in "The Hubble Deep Field", eds.Mario Livio, S. Michael Fall
& P. Madau (Baltimore: STScI), p. 39.
- 11.
- Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Galaxies: Kinematics and
Evolution out to z ~ 1
Nicole P. Vogt & Andrew C. Phillips
1997, in "The Hubble Deep Field: poster papers from the Space
Telescope Science Institute Symposium", eds. Mario Livio, S. Michael Fall
& P. Madau (Baltimore: STScI)
[PS file ]
- 10.
- Compact Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
A. C. Phillips, R. Guzmán,, J. Gallego, D. C. Koo,
& N. P. Vogt
1997, in "The Hubble Deep Field: poster papers from the Space
Telescope Science Institute Symposium", eds. Mario Livio, S. Michael Fall
& P. Madau (Baltimore: STScI)
[ PS file ]
- 9.
- H II Galaxies at Z = 0.1--0.7: Progenitors of Today's Spheroidals?
Rafael Guzmán
1997, in "Starburst Activity in Galaxies", Rev. Mex. Astron. y
Astrofis., Serie de Conferencias, vol. 6, p. 99
- 8.
- The Nature of Compact Galaxies at z ~ 0.2 - 1.3:
Implications for Galaxy Evolution and the Star Formation
History of the Universe
Rafael Guzmán, Andrew C. Phillips, Jesús Gallego,
David C. Koo & James D. Lowenthal
1997, in Proceedings of ESO workshop on "Galaxy Scaling Relations:
Origins, Evolution and Applications",
eds. L. da Costa & A. Renzini, (Berlin: Springer), page 226
[PS file ]
- 7.
- Keck Spectroscopy of the HDF
Garth D. Illingworth, Jesús Gallego, Rafael Guzmán,
James D. Lowenthal, Andrew C. Phillips, Nicole P. Vogt,
David C. Koo, & S. M. Faber
1997, in Proceedings of 37th Herstmonceux conference:
"HST and the High Redshift Universe",
eds. N. R. Tanvir, A. Aragon-Salamanca & J. V. Wall
(Singapore: World Sci. Pub.) p. 37
[PS file ]
- 6.
- Keck Observations of Compact Galaxies in the Hubble
Deep Field
David C. Koo, Andrew C. Phillips, Rafael Guzmán
& Jesús Gallego
1997, in Proceedings of 37th Herstmonceux conference:
"HST and the High Redshift Universe",
eds. N. R. Tanvir, A. Aragon-Salamanca & J. V. Wall
(Singapore: World Sci. Pub.) p. 155
[PS file ]
- 5.
- Keck Spectra of Galaxies at z ~ 3 in the HDF
James D. Lowenthal, David C. Koo,Rafael Guzmán,
Jesús Gallego & Andrew C. Phillips
1997, in Proceedings of 37th Herstmonceux conference:
"HST and the High Redshift Universe",
eds. N. R. Tanvir, A. Aragon-Salamanca & J. V. Wall
(Singapore: World Sci. Pub.) p. 157
[PS file ]
- 4.
- Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Galaxies: Kinematics and
Evolution out to z ~ 1
Nicole P. Vogt & Andrew C. Phillips
1997, in Proceedings of 37th Herstmonceux conference:
"HST and the High Redshift Universe",
eds. N. R. Tanvir, A. Aragon-Salamanca & J. V. Wall
(Singapore: World Sci. Pub.) p. 177
[ PS file]
- 3.
- Keck Spectroscopy of Redshift z ~ 1 Field Galaxies
David C. Koo
1997, in Proceedings of "The Early Universe with the VLT",
ed. J. Bergeron (Berlin: Springer) p. 133
[ PS file]
- 2.
- Tackling the Nature of Faint Blue Galaxies with HST and Keck
David C. Koo
1996, in "Science with the Hubble Space Telescope - II",
eds. P. Benvenutti, F.D. Machetto, & E.J. Schreier (Baltimore: STSci)
[PS file ]
- 1.
- A Glimpse of Field Galaxies at Redshift z = 1 using HST and
the Keck Telescope
David C. Koo
1996, in Proceedings on IAU Symp. No. 171:
"New Light on Galaxy Evolution",
eds. R. Bender and R. L. Davies (Dordrecht: Kluwer)
[PS file ]
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